Travel Insurance


Benefits of Travel Insurance

Kenbright Travel insurance  covers persons who travel abroad from time to time and wish to protect themselves against accidents and loss or damage to their personal belongings whilst travelling.

Medical Assistance

Most of us will participate in activities whilst we’re away, from jet skiing and winter sports to bungee jumping and sky diving

Personal Belongings

Some of the most common and annoying holiday disasters involve loss of personal possessions, delayed baggage & lost passports.

Travel Expenses

If you’re sick or injured and can’t get home, travel insurance will cover your unforeseen additional accommodation and travel costs.
A travel insurance plan can cover you for unexpected costs incurred before or during your trip so that expenses can be less likely to come out of your own pocket. A travel insurance plan from Travel Guard helps to protect your trip investment with coverages like trip cancellation and interruption, medical expense and evacuation, lost or delayed baggage and more.
No. We offer an assortment of travel insurance plans for a variety of travel needs.
Insurance can be purchased up to 24 hours prior to your trip departure date.
Depending on the plan you choose, travel insurance can provide benefits for a number of situations that may occur before or during your trip. Call us for a detailed list.
The cost of travel insurance is based, in most cases, on the value of the trip and the age of the traveler.
That depends on your budget, your destination and your specific situation.